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Find giant bean bag chairs that come with high quality, many parts are made in the USA and offer a better value than Love Sac brand oversized bean bags
8 Foot 'Bean Bag'
7.5 Foot 'Bean Bag'
6 Foot Video Sac
5 Ft. Foam Bag Chair
3.5 Ft. 'Poof' Bag
Huge Bean Bag 'Sack' chairs are a great alternative to the high prices of Love Sac brand huge bean bags
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Giant bean bag chairs are the perfect chair for lounging around the house playing video games or watching a movie.  LoveSac is one brand, but Love Sacs can be a lot more expensive that other brands out there.
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giant bean bag chairs like the LoveSac are a huge new trend in home theater seating.  Watching a movie or playing video games in these things is a sweet way to sit.  What a great kind of foam filled chair.

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Better Than a Giant Bean Bag

LoveSac brand love sacs have been called giant bean bags. While on the surface this comparison is not totally off base, there are some key differences between the high quality of a Love Sac and the average quality of your every day bean bag.

What exactly is a bean bag? Well, bean bags are usually a Naugahyde (or pleather) pouch filled with thousands of little polystyrene foam (styro-foam) beads. They do hold their shape pretty well when you sit in them, but over time these little beads become smashed with repeated use and as a result the bag becomes flatter and flatter. If you ever get a rip or stain on the bag, it becomes necessary to replace the entire bag.

The Love Sac style foam filled "sack" chair is a huge step up from your regular old bean bag. For starters, instead of Styrofoam beads the "sack" style chair is filled with chopped polyurethane foam. Love Sacs and the like are made with a special blend of chopped polyurethane foam instead of the hard styro-foam beads found in bean bag chairs.

Love Sac style foam chairs beat traditional old school bean bags, all all "sack" style chairs are not created equally. Starting with Love Sac a new generation of foam filled "bag" or "Sack" style chairs have become very popular. Leader in this industry separate themselves from the field by the type of foam they put in their bags. The best "giant bean bag" makers separate lower quality portions of foam as part of the manufacturing process , which means you will never find hard chunks of foam inside their sacks. This is not always true of all brands, even LoveSacs have been known to contain hard foam chunks.

Another reason that these foam filled sack chairs also can't truly be called giant bean bags is that they have an inner bag that contains the foam. That bag is put inside a cover. The two parts together form the LoveSac style foam filled chair. If you ever have need or desire to replace the cover, you won't have to throw the whole bag out. You can choose from different colors, styles, and types of fabrics to ensure that you get the type of cover to match your home decor and your personal tastes.

For all of these reasons LoveSac and other giant bean bags are not really bean bags at all. Though it is easy to call them bean bags it is important to note the huge advantages of the new generation of "sack" style seating.


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