Mom and Dad must be so proud of these Teenagers
This Skateboarding videos show just how desperate bored teenagers can become. It also shows what a hazard that teenagers can be to their environment. They trashed their parents' house to create a new sport called carpetboarding.
As I understand it, Carpetboarding utilizes many of the moves of skateboarding. It even uses some of the same equipment (namely old skateboard decks).
You can see these kids adding some skateboard wax to help their boards slide better on the household furniture. What a crazy creation these kids have made creating a new type of skateboarding called "Carpetboarding!"
Kids, don't try this at home. Parents, don't leave your teenagers unattended for long periods of time!
Skateboarding Videos for sale
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Proper Editing on an Amateur Skateboard Video |
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Skating Wet Pavement | Wicked Hard Skateboard Trick | Longboard Car Crash | Skateboard Air 360 Chick and Dudes | Super Skateboarding Bros. |
Double Skateboarding Video | Hoboken, NJ Skate Park | Old School Vert Skate | Bag of Suck: Skateboarding Wrecks | Invisible Skateboards | Skateboarding Bulldog Video | Flowrider Boarding on Man-Made Wave | Bodyboard Skate Jam Hawaiian Style | Pimp My Skateboard | Carpetboarding | Anthony Amedori | Skateboarding Video Effects | Skateboarding in Brooklyn, NY | Socal Skater | Skateboard Time Twister
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