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Old School Vert Skate Vintage Footage

Originally shot in Denver Colorado this footage was Produced by Richard Christiansen and First on Board in 1985. FirstOnBoard.com must be so glad for the advent of video sharing on the internet since it gives a great chance for 20 plus year-old old-school vintage skate board halfpipe trick freestyle vert pipe footage to get back into circulation.

It is pretty amazing to see the stuff from back in the day. These guys did not have the same kind of advanced skateboard equipment available today, but still they were able to rip pretty hard!

Today it is hard to imagine doing skateboard tricks on a one directional heavy board like this. A lot of places have revived the old school board designs because people have such fond feelings! It is also interesting to note that at the time this video was shot vert skateboarding was HUGE! Today it has come back strong, but skateboarding is more diverse so it does not and probably will never dominate the sport like it did in the 1980's.

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